If you're looking to enhance your professional development, industry expertise, and experience, RIMPA Global Scholarships are for you! The RIMPA Global Scholarship program is a testament to our dedication to providing practical and substantial assistance for lifelong professional development to our members who seek to improve their skills and knowledge in their field.
These will be filled with great benefits for advancing your professional learning, industry knowledge, and experience.
Do you want to build your confidence, improve your resume, open doors for future job opportunities and travel both locally and overseas?
Information management professionals provide excellent professional services, and professional learning is essential at every career stage. However, the cost of learning can sometimes be a barrier.
A RIMPA Global Scholarship supports lifelong professional learning by reducing or eliminating the cost of learning. It may also help you acquire specialist practitioner or management skills alongside technical skills and demonstrate your dedication to your work. Regardless of where you are in your career, professional learning keeps your skills current and ensures you're ready for work, whether you're transitioning between careers, returning to work, or working part-time.
The RIMPA Global Scholarships are granted annually by the Member Engagement Portfolio.
Submissions open 14 March 2024
Submissions close 24 April 2024
Winners announced W/B 27 May 2024
Who is eligible to apply?
Refer to each scholarship outlined above for eligibilty requirements.