Explore records management in schools. Understand records' lifecycle, compliance, and good practices. Learn appraisal, sentencing, archiving, data valuation, disposal, and cybersecurity strategies. Explore information governance with key policies and frameworks to improve decision-making, manage risks, and ensure compliance.

These workshops equip you with essential skills and knowledge for efficient, secure, and compliant records management.

Workshop 1: Records and Information Management Fundamentals

Workshop 2: Fundamentals of Appraisal, Sentencing, and Archiving

Workshop 3: Information Governance Fundamentals

Special Offer: Attend all three workshops for the discounted price of $550 for members and $800 for non-members.

  • The bundle includes the 3 workshops (Schools).

  • Workshops are to be utilised within 6 months from the date of purchase.

  • Bookings can be done by individuals or an organisation.

  1. Pay for the 3-workshop bundle

  2. Select the desired workshop dates as per the schedule

  3. Email us at [email protected] with the attendee details (name, email address, workshop name and chosen date)

  4. We will reply with a booking confirmation

For more details, you can speak to us on 1800 242 611 or email us at [email protected]