iQ Article Submission


Author Declaration:

  1. I/we hereby confirm that the submitted work, including text, visuals, and any other material, is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  2. I/we understand that the copyright of the submitted work is assigned to RIMPA for a one-time publication in iQ.
  3. I/we retain full copyright of the work and grant RIMPA the right to quote briefly from the published work for reviews and promotional purposes.
  4. I/we acknowledge that if the work is later published elsewhere, the text should include the notation: "This work was first published in the (month and year) issue of iQ - The RIMPA Quarterly Magazine."
  5. I/we confirm that any lengthy excerpts from other copyrighted material used in the submission have obtained the necessary permissions, with full acknowledgment provided.
  6. I/we indemnify RIMPA against any claims made by third parties for copyright infringement related to the publication of the article.



Submission Guidelines