Well-trained employees contribute to better organisational performance, increased efficiency, and compliance with industry standards. With this exclusive training, you will help your team stay current with industry trends and enhance their skill set.
Special Offer: 1 Exclusive online workshop session for the discounted price of $2500 for members and $3800 for non-members.
Up to 15 attendees in the session.
You may select any 1 of the existing workshops (Excluding Microsoft workshops).
Choose your preferred dates.
Microsoft workshops are excluded.
Workshops are to be utilised within 6 months from the date of purchase.
Pay for the 1 Exclusive Workshop.
Choose the desired workshop from our workshop list.
Email us at [email protected] with the Workshop name, preferred date and attendee details (Full name and email address).
We will reply with a booking confirmation.
For more details, you can speak to us on 1800 242 611 or email us at [email protected]