01 Nov 2023

Preserving Our Digital Legacy: World Digital Preservation Day Celebration

As we eagerly anticipate the celebration of World Digital Preservation Day tomorrow, we're gearing up to honour the theme, "Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort." Tomorrow marks a day when we come together to recognise the vital work behind safeguarding our digital heritage.

In the spirit of this celebration, we are excited to share a compelling blog post authored by one of our esteemed members, Linda Shave. Linda's profound insights delve into the risks associated with entering a "digital dark age." This enlightening piece is a must-read for anyone passionate about shaping the future of our digital world.

Embark on this illuminating journey by diving into Linda's blog post here: Risk of Entering a Digital Dark Age. Please note: As a part of WDPD, this enlightening piece will be available tomorrow morning (2/11/23) at 9:15 AM AEST.

To gain a deeper understanding of this impactful initiative and discover the global events unfolding, we invite you to explore: World Digital Preservation Day Events

As we approach this significant day, let's unite in our shared commitment to champion the importance of digital preservation. Together, we can ensure that our valuable data and cherished memories are protected for the generations to come.