Series: Modern Data Governance; What is driving the need and a strategy for Implementation

Session 1

Information within an organisation experiences its own life cycle. It is created, shared, consumed, analysed, and stored, as part of normal operations to run the business or government entity. Over time, various models to manage the full life cycle of information have come and gone, often collapsing under the sheer weight and velocity of data. In parallel, we have witnessed an ever-increasing number of affirmative obligations associated with data, and new threat vectors developing daily.  This first session will provide an overview of global drivers including AI, statutes/regulation changes, cybersecurity, and privacy; all necessitating a modern view on data governance.




 *Please note this session will be recorded and made available post event to all registered attendees

Mr George Tziahanas

Mr George Tziahanas

AGC & VP of Compliance, Archive360

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