30 Nov 2023

Wrapping up 2023, TropiCoP style!

What better way to end the year than discussing where next year could take us all?! 

The last formal meeting of the year was based on two dominant topics from RIMPA Live presentations and an invitation to start your own learning journey.  The theme of RIMPA Live 2023 was ‘Success through Synergy’ and by developing skills in two complementary areas, RIM practitioners can start to showcase their expertise across the information management industry to get a seat at any table you need to.   The two knowledge/skill sets discussed at the TropiCoP meeting were Microsoft 365 and data management.

Think outside of the box if you are planning your own learning journey.  Unfortunately, we may not have the capacity to undertake formal study, but there are many more opportunities to acquire knowledge.  The decision should focus on how much time you want to invest without investing heaps of money, because many of these options are free.  Firstly as a RIMPA member, you can attend webinars on a plethora of subjects with an average time commitment of an hour.  If you are focusing on M365, you could participate in an LTD session, once again, free for RIMPA members.  Or go straight to the source – Microsoft Learn provides information and some recorded sessions that fit into your calendar easily.  With a little bit of research, you can take charge of your career and your success.

And of course, by participating in a Community of Practice you can share and learn from colleagues.  TropiCoP was established in December 2019 to provide RM/IM practitioners in North Queensland with a network of support, information and advice.  There are now over 30 members based at Mackay, Ayr, Ingham, Wujal Wujal and Townsville.  The meetings can be  accessed through Teams enabling all members to contribute and share their experiences.   If you or a colleague are based in North Queensland and would like to join in, contact Nicole at [email protected] .